Friday, May 26, 2017

On Friday May twenty-sixth 2017 at a program called outside the lines studio in Medford at ten-thirty some of the clients went into the kitchen to help assist cutting up different types of fruits and vegetable like apple slices, celery sticks, cucumber sticks, and some lettuce. At eleven o'clock a.m  some clients went into a great big room to do a little dances later after lunch at  twelve-thirty a.m. some of the clients and some of the staff too went to the radio station to play some music and to announce the garage sale

               by George Russo

Monday, May 22, 2017

On Monday May twenty-second 2017 at a program called outside the line studio in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some clients went  into the kitchen to help assist with cooking by cutting up different kind of fruits and vegetables like potatoes slices, carrots sticks, celery sticks, and cucumber sticks and a few eggs too. After lunch at twelve-thirty in the afternoon some client are going to animation group in the big back room

                    by George Russo

Friday, May 19, 2017

on Friday May  nineteen 2017 at a program called outside the line studio in Medford at nine o'clock a.m some staff people and a couple of clients too went outside to work in the garden for a little bit. At ten-thirty some clients help to assist  a staff person with cooking by cutting up different  kinds of fruits and vegetaables like apples slices, pears slices, carrots sticks, celery sticks, and orange  slices, late some clients  went to the great big middle room to  go to dance  class. At lunch at twelve-thirty in the afternoon some clients and some staff people too are going to go  to the radio station

                        by George Russo

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

On Wednesday May seventeen 2017 at a program called outside the line studio that is in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some   of the clients went into the OTL kitchen to help assist with cooking by cutting up different kinds of fruits and vegetable like apples, pears, ice burg lettuces, some celeries sticks, and some carrot sticks too. After lunch at twelve-thirty in the afternoon some staff person and clients are going outside to the parking lot to get into a great big van and then they are going to  ride to a dance studio and some clients that staying at outside the line studio are going to draw some pictures or paint too

                                   by George Russo

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

On Wednesday May ten 2017 at at program called outside the line studio in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some clients went in to  the OTL kitchen to assist in helping to cut up fruits and vegetables like carrots sticks, celery sticks, and apples and pear slices too

Friday, May 5, 2017