Monday, February 10, 2025

 On Monday, February tenth ,2025 me and some clients went into the Zen room    and then we all sat in   chairs to tell each other all about our own weekend and what do we want to do for

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

 On Wednesday, February fifth ,2025 me and some of the other clients went into the Zen room to watch a video on the great big smart board computer all about the city of roam and all of the places that you can go and all of the places that you can see in roan too and you can see a lot of people just walking and talking to each other. At ten thirty we went in the back room and we painted Vallens time day hearts. And after lunch we all would go to the Zen room and we would talk turn pick a song to play on the great big smart board computer

Monday, February 3, 2025

 On February third at outside the line studio at nine thirty me and some of the other clients went into the  Zen room and sat on chairs and we had turn talking about what we had done on our weekend and what we want to do for the week. At ten  thirty some clients went into the back room to write some stories