Wednesday, July 28, 2021

 on Wednesday, August first 2021, at outside the line studio in Medford,  all of the clients painted a picture of a butterfly and at one o'clock P.M WE Played some games outside  Like we would pass the ball and we would give each client a turn blowing bubbles

Monday, July 26, 2021

 At a day program called outside the line studio in Medford, we played some games one was bowling and the other one was bean bag toss some clients was shredding paper some clients were painting and some were drawing pictures and some were watch a great movie called


Monday, July 12, 2021

 At a program called outside the line studio in Medford  at nine thirty A.M all of the clients sat in a big circle to talk what they had did over the  weekend some of the clients including me played a few games. Like some clients would through a bean bag threw a hoop and some clients bowled including me.. Some clients including me was in the back room painting different pictures too. At three everybody is going to their own houses 

Friday, July 9, 2021

 on, July nine me and all of the clients played three games of binge at outside the lines studio in Medford, and a  few minutes later some clients bold a few pi ns down and some clients drew 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

On Wednesday, July seven 2021, at a program called outside the line studio me and all of the clients got a card with different picture on them and we had all played a game called. bingo for a few hours and then at ten-thirty A.M all of the clients would paint a picture of a big garden with different color of flowers and trees too. After everyone had their lunches we had went in the zen room to go on zoom on zoom we all had done some stretches. At three every body had rode to their own houses on their rides.