Wednesday, May 30, 2018

On Wednesday May thirtieth 2918, at a program called outside the line studio in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some clients went in to the kitchen to help assist with cooking by cutting up different fruits and vegetables like some carrot sticks, some celery sticks, some lettuce and some apples.  At eleven o'clock a.m some clients went into the great big and wide middle and we had learned a game to play on the smart board Then at twelve thirty in the afternoon some clients and some staff people went out side in the parking lot to load on a van and then the all had rode to a dance studio in Somervile to do some dancing At two thirty p.m we all ride home to our own houses

Friday, May 25, 2018

On Friday  May twenty-fifth 2018 at a program called outside the lines studio at nine-thirty a.m some clients went to the outside Patio to plant in the garden At ten-thirty some clients went into the kitchen to help assist to cut up some fruits and vegetables like some peppers sticks, some tomatoes, at eleven ea.m some clients went outside n the Patio to do some arms exercizes and some dance moves too. At twelve thirty in the afternoon some people went to the radio station

Monday, May 21, 2018


On Monday May twentieth 2018, at program called outside the lines studio in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen help assist cutting up different kind of fruits and vegetables

Friday, May 18, 2018

On Friday May eight-teen 2018, at a program called outside the line studio in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen ti cutting up some different fruits and vegetables like carrot sticks, celery sticks, apple slice,  green beans, and green peppers too. At eleven o'clock some clients went in the great big e wide middle  to do a few of dance moves and at twelve thirty in after noon some clients and staff to the radio station to play some music and songs too we go to our own houses at three o'clock pm

                           by George Russo

Monday, May 14, 2018

On May fourteen 2018, at a program called outside the line studio in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen to cut up, some different fruits and vegetables like some carrot stick,some celery sticks.some slice apples and some orange slices, At eleven-thirty a.m some clients went in the back room to make stuff with yarn. And at twelve-thirty in the afternoon some clients went into the wide middle room to do art animation with clay

Friday, May 11, 2018

On Friday May eleventh 2018, at a program called outside the line studio in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen to cut up some different kinds of fruits and vegetables like some tomatoes, some apples, some green peppers, and some oranges. At eleven a.m some clients had dance group in a great big wide room in the middle we had done a few movements legs and with our arms too. At twelve-thirty a.m some clients and some staff people went too the radio station to play different music and songs too 

                                     by George Russo

Monday, May 7, 2018

On Monday May sixth 2018 at a program called outside the lines studio in Medford at ten thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen to help assist with cooking by cutting up some fruits and vegetables like some apples  some green peppers sticks, some carrots sticks, and some oranges At eleven o'clock a.m some clients went into the back room to do some reeving At twelve thirty in the afternoon some clients did art and craft

Friday, May 4, 2018

On Friday May fourth 2018, at a program called outside the lines studio in Medfod at nine-thirty a.m some of the clients had went into the back room to draw a self port rate of  themselves and then they would fill their picture in with water paint then at ten=thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen to help out with looking my cutting up different fruits and vegetables like some tomatoes slices, apple slice. celery slices, pears   and bananas some clients went in the very wide middle room dancing. At twelve thirty in the afernoon some clients and some staff people went to play some

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

On Wednesday May second 2018 at a program called outside the line studio in Medford at ten thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen to cut up different fruit and vegetables like some carrot sticks,  and some celery sticks some egg plants  some apple slices..Then at eleven o'clock a.m some clients went into the great big wide middle room to learn from a staff person that  were point to the smart board. At twelve in the afternoon everybody at OTL had their lunches and at twelve thirty in the afternoon some staff people and some clients went outside in the parking lot and then they got in the great big blue van and rode to Somervile to a dance studio and then they had did some dancing At two thirty p.m  we all go to our own houses with our own rides

                               by George Russo