Wednesday, August 29, 2018

On Friday August thirty-first 2018, at a program called outside the lime studio in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen to assist in help with cooking by cutting up fruits and vegetables like some carrots, some celery sticks, some lettuce and some oranges. At eleven a,m then some clients went out on the patio to do some dance moves to music and to play some games too. So at twelve o'clock we all had ate our lunches then at twelve thirty in the afternoon some clients and some staff people are going to the radio station to be on the radio and to play some music too. At two-thirty p.m we all are going to our own house with our driversss

orge Russo

                                by Ge

Friday, August 24, 2018

on Friday August fourth 2018, at a program called outside the line studio's in Medford some of  the clients go into the kitchen to cook by cutting up the fruits and vegetables like some carrots, some lettuce, some celery, and some tomatoes. At twelve-thirty in the afternoons some went to the radio station

Monday, August 20, 2018

On Monday August twentieth 2018, at a program called outside the line studio that is in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen to assist with cooking by cutting up fruits and vegetables like some apple,, some carrots, some celery sticks and some lettuce too. At eleven-thirty a.m some clients went in the wide back room to do fabric art like making some sun and some dream catchers too. At one-thirty p,m some clients is going in the wide back room for art animation

                                  by George Russo

Friday, August 17, 2018

On Friday August seventeen 2018 at a program called outside the line studio in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen the kitchen to help to assist helping with cooking by cutting up some fruits and vegetables and at twelve-thirty in the after noon some staff people and some clients went up to the radio station to play music on the radio for a while

Monday, August 13, 2018

On Monday August thirteen 2018 at a program called outside the line studio that is in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen to help assist cutting up fruits and vegetables like some apple slice, some carrot sticks, some celery sticks, some onions, and some oranges slices, At eleven o'clock a.m some clients went in the very wide back room and done dream catchers, and some clients did some weaving on the great big wide table Later all of the clients and the staff people had their lunches at twelve o'clock in the afternoon At one-thirty p.m some clients is going in the very wide back room for art animation

            By George Russo

Monday, August 6, 2018

On Monday August six 2018, at a program called outside the line studio at ten-thirty a.m some clients went into the kitchen to help assist with cooking by cutting up some fruits and vegetables like some green peppers sticks, some lettuce, some apples and some eggs too. At eleven o'clock some clients went into the wide back room to make sun catcher and dream catchers too. AT twelve thirty in the afternoon some clients

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

On Wednesday August first at a program called outside the line studio in Medford at ten-thirty a.m some of the clients went into the kitchen to help assist in cooking by cutting up some fruits and vegetables like some carrots, some celery, some cucumber and some oranges. At eleven-o'clock some clients had went into a great big room to up the smart board and at twelve-thirty a.m some clients and some staff went to a dance studio to do some