Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 At outside the line studio in Medford,  on Wednesday August twenty-eight some of the clients painted and then had a big cookout some ate hot dog  and some ate hamburgers or cheese burgers At one-thirty P.M. some clients went into the Zen Room to hear the 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

 At outside the lines  Studio in Medford, on August fourteen At nine-thirty A.M some of the clients including me went into the Zen room and a few female staff showed us a video on the big smart board computer about a of the animal at the San Dago Zoo. At eleven thirty some clients went in the back room and we had done some different paintings at twelve we all had at our on lunches at our own desk At one'thirty me and some other clients went into the Zen room and we had pick different songs to listem to and to sing to too. So, then