Wednesday, September 18, 2024

 On  Wednesday, September eight-teen at  outside the line studio in Medford At nine-thirty me and some of the clients here went in the back room and we made a tiny eight leged spe

Monday, September 16, 2024

 On Monday, September six-teen at outside the line studio in Medford, at nine-thirty in the Zen room me and some clients sat on chairs talk about what we had done on the weekend and then we had walked and pushed around the great big sport field when we had got back we had went in the back room to build a building with legos   

Friday, September 13, 2024

 At a program called outside the line studio in Medford on Friday, September thgit-teen

Monday, September 9, 2024

 On Monday, September  nine at outside the   line me and a few other  clients went to morning  meeting in the Zen  room to tell  what we had done on  the weekend then we had  took a  walk around the Tuffs field then  at ten  thirty  me and some clients we with  the  back room