Friday, March 7, 2025

On Friday, March seventh ,2025 at ninth some of the clients went into  the  back room and we  all were writing On notebooks and we wrote whatever we wanted. A eleven o'clock I had art  

Monday, March 3, 2025

 on   Monday March  third some clients talk what they had done on their weekend and what they want to do in the  week days and we had  saw a  Yugo video on the great big wide smart board computer   

Friday, February 28, 2025

 At outside the  line studio on  Friday February twenty-eight At ten ,2025 me and a few other clients went to writing group in the back studio to write different  thing in notebooks

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

On Wednesday, February twenty-sixth,2025 At nine-thirty me and some of the other clients  saw a video all about France on the great big smart board computer. At ten we made masks in the back room. At twelve o'clock me and everybody had ate our own lunches at out own desks At one-thirty P.M me and the out clients had music in the Zen roam on the great big smart board computer and we all to turn to pick wheat song to hear

Monday, February 24, 2025

 On Monday February twenty-fourth at outside the lines studio me and some more clients went into the Zen room and then we would talk what we had done on out on weekend and what we want to do for the week too. At ten thirty we went in the back room to have writing group at one thirty some will go to art in the back room at three P.M we are going back to our own houses

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

 On Wednesday February twelve ,2025 at outside the line studio in Medford me and some other clients went into the Zen room to watch a video all about Ice Land and what you can do in ice land too. At ten thirty me   and some of the other clients made snares in the back room

Monday, February 10, 2025

 On Monday, February tenth ,2025 me and some clients went into the Zen room    and then we all sat in   chairs to tell each other all about our own weekend and what do we want to do for

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

 On Wednesday, February fifth ,2025 me and some of the other clients went into the Zen room to watch a video on the great big smart board computer all about the city of roam and all of the places that you can go and all of the places that you can see in roan too and you can see a lot of people just walking and talking to each other. At ten thirty we went in the back room and we painted Vallens time day hearts. And after lunch we all would go to the Zen room and we would talk turn pick a song to play on the great big smart board computer

Monday, February 3, 2025

 On February third at outside the line studio at nine thirty me and some of the other clients went into the  Zen room and sat on chairs and we had turn talking about what we had done on our weekend and what we want to do for the week. At ten  thirty some clients went into the back room to write some stories

Friday, January 31, 2025

 On Friday January thirty-first at ten-thirty me and the other clients went into the back room and the we did some writing in writing group. Then me and some clients went into

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

 On  Wednesday, January twenty-twenty-nine at outside the line studio in Medford, At nine-thirty me and the other clients went to  the Zen room to see a video about Ireland and all that is in Ireland too.                                                                         

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Monday, January 27, 2025

 At outside the lines on Monday January twenty-seventh 2025 me and some more clients went into the Zen room and and we all had sat in chairs tell each other about our weekend and what we want to do for the week. Then we would see a video on the great big smart board computer               ..                  

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

 At  outside the line studio in Medford, on Wednesday January twenty-second me and  some of the clients went into the Zen room and we had saw a big video about places to see and do on the great big smart board computer and there was a lot of people walking and talking to each other too. At ten thirty me and some other clients made a stormy clouds and at twelve o'clock in the afternoon everybody had at their lunch at their desk and at one thirty P.M me and some clients went into the Zen room and we all had our turn hearing a music video on the great big smart board by GR

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

 At outside the lines on Wednesday January fifteen me and the other clients went in the Zen room and  we all hed saw alot  of       different animals  on a video on the  great  big smart board  computer                                                                                                        

Monday, January 13, 2025

  On Monday, January thirteen ,2025 at nine-thirty me and some other clients sat in chairs in the  Zen room and each person was  giving the chance to talk about  his and her own weekend and  what he and she did on their weekend too  and what that person want to do for the week at OTL at ten thirty A.M some clients are going in the back studio to build a building with leg at one-thirty A.M some clients would have art and crafts by GR    

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

 on Wednesday January six me and some other clients went into the Zen room and saw  a video all about Ice land and all of the animals in Ice land on the great big smart board computer that is attach to the wall. At ten-thirty A.M., me and the other clients made a picture of mickey mouse on paper        

Monday, January 6, 2025

 At outside the line studio in Medford, at ten thirty A.M. me and some of the other clients went in the Zen room where the great big smart board computer is attach to the wall on the left side we  their talking about what we had done on the weekend I had talked about what I had done at my mother house in Boca Raton Florida. At eleven o'clock A.M. some clients are going in the back studio the build different buildings with the Legos building blocks. At twelve o'clock A.M. we all eat our lunches At one thirty me and the other clients have art and crafts at three P.M everybody goes back to their own houses with their own rides         by    GR