On Friday January thirty-first at ten-thirty me and the other clients went into the back room and the we did some writing in writing group. Then me and some clients went into
Outside the Lines is an arts-based program, run by artists, that provides day support and art mentorship to 35 adults with developmental disabilities and dual diagnosis. Through the arts, we create a place where everyone’s possibilities extend beyond their perceived limits, and where we are inspired to be creative and productive community members, both within our organization and in the broader world.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Monday, January 27, 2025
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
At outside the line studio in Medford, on Wednesday January twenty-second me and some of the clients went into the Zen room and we had saw a big video about places to see and do on the great big smart board computer and there was a lot of people walking and talking to each other too. At ten thirty me and some other clients made a stormy clouds and at twelve o'clock in the afternoon everybody had at their lunch at their desk and at one thirty P.M me and some clients went into the Zen room and we all had our turn hearing a music video on the great big smart board by GR
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Monday, January 13, 2025
On Monday, January thirteen ,2025 at nine-thirty me and some other clients sat in chairs in the Zen room and each person was giving the chance to talk about his and her own weekend and what he and she did on their weekend too and what that person want to do for the week at OTL at ten thirty A.M some clients are going in the back studio to build a building with leg at one-thirty A.M some clients would have art and crafts by GR
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Monday, January 6, 2025
At outside the line studio in Medford, at ten thirty A.M. me and some of the other clients went in the Zen room where the great big smart board computer is attach to the wall on the left side we their talking about what we had done on the weekend I had talked about what I had done at my mother house in Boca Raton Florida. At eleven o'clock A.M. some clients are going in the back studio the build different buildings with the Legos building blocks. At twelve o'clock A.M. we all eat our lunches At one thirty me and the other clients have art and crafts at three P.M everybody goes back to their own houses with their own rides by GR