At outside the line studio on Friday February twenty-eight At ten ,2025 me and a few other clients went to writing group in the back studio to write different thing in notebooks
Outside the Lines is an arts-based program, run by artists, that provides day support and art mentorship to 35 adults with developmental disabilities and dual diagnosis. Through the arts, we create a place where everyone’s possibilities extend beyond their perceived limits, and where we are inspired to be creative and productive community members, both within our organization and in the broader world.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
On Wednesday, February twenty-sixth,2025 At nine-thirty me and some of the other clients saw a video all about France on the great big smart board computer. At ten we made masks in the back room. At twelve o'clock me and everybody had ate our own lunches at out own desks At one-thirty P.M me and the out clients had music in the Zen roam on the great big smart board computer and we all to turn to pick wheat song to hear
Monday, February 24, 2025
On Monday February twenty-fourth at outside the lines studio me and some more clients went into the Zen room and then we would talk what we had done on out on weekend and what we want to do for the week too. At ten thirty we went in the back room to have writing group at one thirty some will go to art in the back room at three P.M we are going back to our own houses
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Monday, February 10, 2025
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
On Wednesday, February fifth ,2025 me and some of the other clients went into the Zen room to watch a video on the great big smart board computer all about the city of roam and all of the places that you can go and all of the places that you can see in roan too and you can see a lot of people just walking and talking to each other. At ten thirty we went in the back room and we painted Vallens time day hearts. And after lunch we all would go to the Zen room and we would talk turn pick a song to play on the great big smart board computer
Monday, February 3, 2025
On February third at outside the line studio at nine thirty me and some of the other clients went into the Zen room and sat on chairs and we had turn talking about what we had done on our weekend and what we want to do for the week. At ten thirty some clients went into the back room to write some stories